How can I know...?

How can I know that you're not like the others?
How can I know that you won't hurt me as bad as they did?
How can I know that it'll be different this time?
How will I be able to trust you, after what the others did?

I reallt want you to be different,
I really belive that you won't hurt me like they did,
I really want it to work out this time..

They tell me to be careful.. They tell me to not let you come to close.. They tell me to think before I do any more mistakes..

But I don't know why I never listen to them.. I never do as they tell me..
Why can't I listen? Why can't I do as they tell me? Why can't I take theire advise?

I don't want to need him.. I want him to need me.. But I need him, I really do.. I need him in my life.. I need him to be able to live.. To be able to be truly happy..

I know that it's to early to say something like this.. But I do know that it's true..
He's my everything.. He's the reason to why I wake up in the mornings.. He's the one who keeps my heart beating.. He's all my life.. I've gave my heart to him..

I'm forever keeping my angel close..

Everything I've ever built up, Broke down in a second..

No matter how bad you feel, No matter how much you want out..

When you stand here now, by my side, Holding my hand so tight, Watching our tears fall.. I know that you don't wanna do it, I can feel that a part of you want to stay.. I can see it in your eyes..

But I guess that the pain has taken over, That you feel like you need to do it.. But you don't need to! You can stay here, I can try to fix you..

I'll stand here with you, as long as you want me to.. I won't leave you, Not this time.. But I can't make your choices in life.. You need to make 'em yourself.. But please, think through 'em well, please don't make the same misstakes again..

I'm not telling you it's gonna be easy, It won't be easy.. But I'm telling you it's gonna be worth it.. It's gonna be worth every second..
'cuz I know that you'll make the right choices in the end.. I trust you and I'll always be by your side, no matter what happens.. I'll never stop loving you!

long time no seen...

Allt är så stora kontraster,
Det gick så fort, det gick så snabbt från vitt till svart.

Först höll du mig så hårt och du va så nära, så otroligt nära, Sen, på en sekund, så hade du släppt mig helt och du är så otroligt långt bort..

Jag fattar inte
Kan inte förstå..

Hur du kunnde så lätt och så snabbt, Bara glömma och leva vidare..
Är det det som är beviset? Är det det som är beviset på att allt bara va en jävla lek för dig?
För att för min va allt verklighet och allt jag sa va sanning, och för mig är det inte sådär lätt och går inte sådär snabbt..

För mig är det inte bara att bara glömma och gå vidare, för du är fortfarande i mina tankar, du är fortfarande en del av det jag gör, en del av mina val och mina beslut...

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